HSA updates on products found overseas that contain potent ingredients (November 2021)
The Health Sciences Authority (HSA) would like to update the public on products that have been found and reported by overseas regulators in November 2021 to contain potent ingredients which are not allowed in these products and may cause side effects. This information is provided to increase awareness on safety issues of such products found overseas, which may impact the local population. Please refer to Annex A and Annex B for the list of products and the possible side effects of the potent ingredients. Please refer to the pdf document for images of the products.
HSA’s Advisory
Members of the public are advised to:
- Consult a doctor if you have consumed any of the products and are feeling unwell.
- Avoid buying any of the products when abroad.
- Exercise caution when purchasing health products online or from sources (either local or overseas) which you may not be familiar with, even if well-meaning friends or relatives have recommended them. You cannot be certain where and how these products were made. They may be illegal, counterfeit or substandard, and may contain potent ingredients which can harm your health. If buying health products online, we encourage you to buy them from websites with an established retail presence in Singapore.
- Be wary of products that promise quick and miraculous results or carry exaggerated claims like “100% safe”, “no side effects” or “scientifically proven”. Consumers should also be cautious of products that produce unexpected quick recovery of medical conditions.
- Consult your doctor or pharmacist if you need help for the management of your acute and chronic medical symptoms and conditions (e.g. diabetes, hypertension, eczema).
Pls download for full report.

This show that every sachet of HemoHIM contain 0.2mg of Methoxsalen. To reach therapeutic dosage (safe usage) you need 20mg of Methoxsalen which is about 100 sachets of HemoHIM consume at one time. Toxidity level will be much higher which is not indicate in this picture.